Cultural Itineraries
The land of ancient times
The cheerful flourishes of the most elegant liberty, which overlook the sea that belonged to the Greeks, is only one of the wonderful discoveries to encounter while navigating the soul of this land that is full of surprises. You can see all of this while walking through the cities and towns of the metropolitan area of Reggio, in which the Greek memory of the ancient Rhegion is evoked in everyday conversation, from the topography, the kitchen, and the intertwines with Byzantine traces, to the modern stories by Corrado Alvaro. Ancient castles and modern theatres, squares, and religious festivals, are all the expression of a culture deeply routed in a unique territory.

Urban Archeo-trekking
Counted among the oldest cities in Europe, the ancient Rhegion preserves conspicuous traces of its Magno-Greek heritage in its urban circle. A walk through the city streets allows you to touch on some key moments in history, traces that have been well preserved, and become part of daily life in the [...]
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