Nestled in a picturesque setting overlooking the sea to protect the territory, in front of the Aeolian Islands and behind the Apennines, stands the Ruggero Tower or Capo di Rocchi Tower. Of Norman or Aragonese origin, the tower is one of the focal points of Bagnara Calabra’s the tourism, a town located a few kilometres from the Strait of Messina.

A great point of reference
Presumably dating back to the 15th and 16th centuries, the tower rises in the Caciclì quarter and has a circular plan with a conical trunk wall base. There are also traces of sentry box, corbels and crenelated cresting at the entrance. The earthquake of 1638 damaged much of it, but today it appears completely restored to us. One of its peculiarities is certainly its position: it is a cultural and social reference point.
The tower was built as a defence against Turkish attacks, and was part of a defense system of the coast, along with other towers – in fact, it is called the 32nd – because it is set in a very strategic location. The different military posts communicated by visual signals: smoke, fire or mirrors!
Norman or Aragonese?
Although our knowledge of its dates and builders is inaccurate, the tower is still called Aragonese. According to tradition, the watchtower communicated directly with the noble and religious centers of the town, in particular with the Abbey commissioned by Ruggero the Norman. In fact, this is where the controversy about the early builders crept in: had it already been a point of reference for the Normans?