Reggio Calabria is a city rich in history. Its foundation dates back to 734 BC by the Greek Chalcidian. Since then, the city has always been resurrected on the same site, even after the disastrous earthquake of 1908 that utterly destroyed it. However, it was following this event that the vestiges of classical Reggio and of its rich history emerged. From there, the foundation of the Magna Grecia Museum soon after contributed to the culture and beauty of the Reggio area. Today, Reggio is a cultural city and not only thanks to its museum, but also the Pinacoteca Civica ("Civic Art Gallery"), the Castello Argonese (“Argonese Castle”), the Teatro Comunale (“Community Theatre”) and the Museo del Bergamotto (“Bergamot Museum”).


Antiquarium Leucopetra, traces of a distant past
The Antiquarium Leucopetra, located inside the renovated Guardia di Finanza building in Lazzaro, houses all the archaeological artefacts found in the area of the Municipality of Motta San Giovanni.

Heroes of eternal beauty
The modern history of the Bronzes begins on August 16th, 1972, when, after an episode that has had implications that have not yet been completely clarified, two bronze statues were found, apparently without any modern findings in the surrounding area, at the site of the Porto Forticchio di Riace Mar [...]

History of Reggio from its foundation to the Hellenistic Age
The origin of Reggio Calabria dates back thousands of years: ancient historians tell us that a great-grandson of Noah, Ashkenaz, founded it in 2000 BCE. He later gave his name to the whole region and this ancient heritage lives on in the historical memory of the city, in the street name Via Aschenez [...]

History seen from above
In the towns of Pentimele, Catona, Arghillà, and Piani Matiniti, on the rised hills behind Reggio, there are extraordinary works of Military engineering, forts from the Umbertine age that were built between 1884 and 1890 at the request of King Umberto I of Savoy. Southern Italy, which had recently b [...]

La Chanson d'Aspremont, the ancient song set in Aspromonte
The song of Aspromonte is a chanson de geste that belongs to the Carolingian cycles. It narrates the expedition of Charlemagne in Southern Italy against the King of the Saracens, Agolant.
The epic poem, which acts as a prologue to the best-known Chanson de Roland, dates back to the mid-twelfth ce [...]

From all over Europe to the deep South
The expression “Grand Tour” refers to the travel experiences undertaken since the 18th century by many intellectuals and adventurers of the European bourgeoisie before, and American after, who chose Italy and Greece as elective homelands as a means of completing their human and cultural education an [...]