'A chiavi d'oru japri 'i porti 'i bbronzu.
The golden key opens the doors of bronze.
A Candilora (2 febb.) 'u mbernu è fora
During Candelmas it is still winter outside; by the time the Annunciation comes it is already spring.
A caddàra bugghj e u pòrcu è ammùnti.
The pot is boiling and the pig is still to be killed. Things should be done ahead of time.
A bbutti chiddu chi nd'avi dintra, nesci 'i fora.
The barrel ejects what it has inside outward. Everyone gives only what he or she can.
A bona jurnàta si pàra ra matina.
A good day starts in the morning.
Grecanico [gre-cà-ni-co] Proper name
The Greek-Calabrian or Greek dialect is the idiom spoken in the province of Reggio Calabria. It belongs to the Greek linguistic community of Italy.
Fata Morgana [Fa-ta Mor-ga-na] -
A phenomenon of light refraction that projects during the day, under certain climatic situations, images that are visible from the two banks on the water surfaces of the Strait of Messina.
Koinè dello Stretto [Koi-né (dello stretto)] Feminine noun
A phenomenon of light refraction that projects during the day, under certain climatic situations, images that are visible from the two banks on the water surfaces of the Strait of Messina.
Feluca [Fe-lu-ca] Masculine noun
The name formerly given to identify the boat from which the swordfish hunt took place.
Aspramont [As-pra-mon-t] Proper name
A French-like term that is a typonym, which became the title of a famous medieval song, "La Chanson d'Aspramont," set in the White Mountains, the "heart of Reggio Calabria."