Reggio Calabria is a city rich in history. Its foundation dates back to 734 BC by the Greek Chalcidian. Since then, the city has always been resurrected on the same site, even after the disastrous earthquake of 1908 that utterly destroyed it. However, it was following this event that the vestiges of classical Reggio and of its rich history emerged. From there, the foundation of the Magna Grecia Museum soon after contributed to the culture and beauty of the Reggio area. Today, Reggio is a cultural city and not only thanks to its museum, but also the Pinacoteca Civica ("Civic Art Gallery"), the Castello Argonese (“Argonese Castle”), the Teatro Comunale (“Community Theatre”) and the Museo del Bergamotto (“Bergamot Museum”).


The hypogeum of Piazza Italia
The repeated excavations that were carried out between 2000 and 2005 in the south-eastern area of Piazza Italia have shone light on a site of considerable historical and archaeological interest, which shows that the area has always been at the centre of the city’s commercial activities. Eleven phase [...]

The mosaics of Casignana
Discovered in 1963, the villa in Casignana is the embodiment of the stylistic and architectural richness and the artistic refinement of the noble dwellings of the Hellenistic period. The mosaic floors, which suggest connections with stylistic features typical of Eastern Africa areas such as present- [...]

The Odeon, the precious remains of a theatre
In 1920, following some building work inside a residential complex in via XXIV Maggio, the remains of a small theatre or Odeon was discovered, which was dated between the mid-4th and early 3rd century BC by the then Superintendent of Antiquities, Paolo Orsi.

The Utopia of Tommaso Campanella
Giovanni Domenico Campanella, who came from a family of humble origins, was born in the town of Stilo, in the district of Borgo, on September 5th, 1568. As a teenager, he joined the Dominican order, assuming the name of Fra’ Tommaso after he took his religious vows. His native town remembers him tod [...]

The wonders of ancient Kaulon
Kaulon, founded by the Achaeans of Crotone around 7th century BC, was once located in what is known today as the town of Monasterace Marina, at the tip of the Stilo peak. Thanks to the excavations conducted by Paolo Orsi during the lasty century, today we can still admire its extraordinary wall rema [...]

From all over Europe to the deep South
The expression “Grand Tour” refers to the travel experiences undertaken since the 18th century by many intellectuals and adventurers of the European bourgeoisie before, and American after, who chose Italy and Greece as elective homelands as a means of completing their human and cultural education an [...]