On August 29th, 1862, in Aspromonte, Garibaldi’s redshirts clashed with the royal army sent to stop Garibaldi’s attempt to march from Calabria to Rome to drive out Pope Pius IX. During the battle, Garibaldi’s left leg and right foot were shot. Injured, he was placed under a tree while the Bersaglieri continued to shoot.
The Garibaldi Mausoleum
Close to the tree where Garibaldi was placed, a mausoleum was erected that contains famous memorabilia that testifies to the event and recalls the resurgent history of our country, of which even Aspromonte was a fundamental stop.
A few days later, Guiseppe Garibaldi was taken to La Spezia and locked up in the Fort Varignano.
Between history and nature
Walking along the Garibaldi footpath can be a pleasant excursion through beech woods and the fragrant brooms of the “carbunari.” The trail starts from Rumia Lake, a small, artificial water surface equipped for trout, iris, and carp fishing.
It is a suitable trip for everyone, allowing the beautiful nature of the place, which is surrounded by pines, fir trees, and oaks, to be enjoyed; ultimately, it is a way to immerse yourself in the history of these places and get to know them better.