The Piccolo Museo San Paolo is located in the upper area of Reggio Calabria. It was founded in the 1970s by Francesco Gangemi, a parish priest at San Paolo della Rotonda. He was a cultured priest and a fine collector of works of art. He was a great connoisseur of ancient Greek and Latin, who tenaciously dedicated his life to putting together this collection of enormous historical and artistic value.

From paintings to silver
The extraordinary collection includes a rich art gallery, with over 130 works including canvases and tables that cover a historical period ranging from the 15th to the 19th century, including San Michele Arcangelo (“Saint Michael the Archangel”) attributed to Antonello da Messina and l’Addolorata fra gli angeli (“Our Lady of Sorrows”) by Antonino Cilea dated 1711. Another important exhibition area is that of the sacred silver pieces, dating from the 16th to the 19th centuries, which includes some pieces forged by Filippo Juvarra.
The museum also contains a rich archaeological and numismatic section, a large library, and an interesting collection of miscellaneous paper.
From icons to sculptures
An exceptional collection of icons with around 180 specimens that date back to between the 14th and 20th centuries, mainly from Eastern Europe and the Balkan area. Among the most famous are the Madonna col Bambino (“Madonna with child”) and St. Gerasimus that are most likely of Calabrian origin and calendario dei Santi (“Calendar of Saints”), which is of Lithuanian origin. Sculptures from the provinces of Reggio and Sicily, which can be dated between the Medieval period to the 17th century, are of no less value.
Opening days and hours
Opening by reservation
Free entrance
Tel.(+39) 0965-892426